Sunday 13 November 2011

Coronation St.

Coronation Street has changed over the years, for example in 1961 there were no transitions, whereas in 1979, they started adding in dissolves and fades.
The 1961 show did not have as much silence compared to the more modern versions. Silence is a very important code, it adds in tension or fear. Without this the viewer would not share the emotions with the characters.
Another key element to soaps is Camera Shots. The camera shots in the 1961 version were ensemble shots, which had 2-3 people in them, these didn't show a hirachy within the characters. The shots were also bumpy due to the low budget the show had at the time, although in the 1979 version the shots distinguished the hirachy and the camera movements were smoother. There was also some crane shots featured in the opening scene in the 1979 version, this shows that the shows budget was raised since 1961.
The 1961 version had no colour what so ever, but in the 1979 version there was, but this colour was dull and murky. This changed in the more recent versions as there was clear pictures and bright surroundings.

Sunday 30 October 2011

Chart shows

The 1982 UK top 40 chart show started with some short sound effects and straight after, the presenter introduced the show, after that they had a short jingle and they then proceeded on with the show. The presenter of the show had a very posh accent.

The 1985 UK top 40 chart show started with a fast upbeat melody. The presenter then proceeded to read out the top 40 singles. The presenters voice is very layed back and usual as if they are trying to relate to the audience.

The BBC One show with Reggie Yates is much different to the other shows, it is optional if you watch it or listen to it. It also isn't all to do with the UK top 40. The presenter of the show is not as old as the other two. this could make the viewer feel like they are relating to him.

Overall, the shows are quite different. The shows microphones get better over time and the presenters become more normal people. Also the 1985 show had better sound effects and technology and so did the Radio one show. Simple things like adding in backing music in the 1985 show can make the show appear much better and watchable.

Sunday 16 October 2011

Evaluation of media piece

Our objective was to create a two way conversation with at least five lines per person obeying the 180 degree rule and with the correct shots.
Our piece was partially successful. I believe that our 180 degree rule was correct because they were on the same side as the imaginary line and that they were both symmetrical. Although, the shots were not all correct. The close-ups were at medium shot distance, but the medium and the master shot were correct in my opinion.

Overall I would give our piece 75/100 due to the fact that the close-ups were too distant.

mass media

Mass media refers collectively to all media technologies, including the internet, television, newspaper, film and radio, which are used for mass communications, and to the organizations which control these technologies.

The phrase "the media" started to be used in the 1920s, but referred to something that had its origins much further in the past. The invention of the printing press in the late 15th century gave rise to some of the first forms of mass communication, by enabling the publication of books and newspapers on a scale much larger than was previously possible.

codes and conventions

Codes and conventions
A media Convention is what the viewer would expect to see in a specific genre. These do not have to be in the film, but it is likely that they will be.
A media Code is a certain effect or event that indicates that something is going to happen.

Upbeat feel
Medium shots of people dancing and singing
Non Diegetic instruments
Smooth slow music means that there could be a romantic scene coming up.
Upbeat fast music suggests that a character is happy or has achieved something.

Chase scenes
Damsel in distress
Crane shots over fight scenes

Silence could suggest that a burst of action is about to happen.
Weather of the scene could show the characters emotions.

Eerie music suggests that something bad is about to happen.
Non diegetic music shows how the main character is feeling at the time.